Публикации по магнитосферам планет Солнечной системы
Лаборатория магнитосфер Планет, ОИВМ
Беленькая Е.С., Особенности взаимодействия межпланетного магнитного поля с магнитосферами Земли и Юпитера, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, Т. 43, No 2, 174-182, 2003.
Belenkaya E.S., The Jovian magnetospheric magnetic and electric fields: effects of the interplanetary magnetic field, Planetary and Space Sci., V. 52/5-6, 499-511, 2004.
Alexeev, I.I., E.S. Belenkaya, Modeling of the Jovian Magnitosphere, Annal. Geophys., 23, 809-826, 2005.
Cowley, S.W. H., I. I. Alexeev, E. S. Belenkaya, Bunce, E. J., Cottis, C. E., Kalegaev, V. V., Nichols, J. D., Prange, R., and Wilson, F. J., A simple axisymmetric model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling currents in Jupiter's polar ionosphere, Journal of Geophys. Res., V.110, A11209, doi:10.1029/2005JA011237, 2005.
Belenkaya, E.S., Alexeev, I.I., Kalegaev, V.V., and Blokhina, M.S., Definition of Saturn's magnetospheric model parameters for the Pioneer 11 flyby, Annal. Geophys., 24, 1145.1156, 2006.
Belenkaya, E.S., Bespalov, P.A., Davydenko, S.S., and Kalegaev, V.V., Magnetic field influence on aurorae and the Jovian plasma disk radial structure, Annal. Geophys., 24, 973-988, 2006.
Беленькая Е.С., Переходные токовые системы в магнитосферах Земли и Сатурна, Геомагнетизм и аэрономия, т.46, N 5, 588-595, 2006.
Alexeev, I. I., V. V. Kalegaev, E. S. Belenkaya, S. Y. Bobrovnikov, E. J. Bunce, S. W. H. Cowley,, and J. D. Nichols, A global magnetic model of Saturn's magnetosphere, and a comparison with Cassini SOI data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08 101, doi:10.1029/2006GL025896, 2006.
Belenkaya, E. S., Cowley, S. W. H., and Alexeev, I. I., Saturn's aurora in the January 2004 events, Annal. Geophys., 24, 1649-1663, 2006.
Беленькая Е.С., Подбор параметров модели магнитосферы Сатурна по данным КА Pioneer 11, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, т.46, N 1, с. 33-40, 2007
Belenkaya, E.S., I.I. Alexeev, M.S. Blokhina, S.W.H. Cowley, S.V. Badman, V.V. Kalegaev, and M. S. Grigoryan, IMF dependence of the open-closed field line boundary in Saturn's ionosphere, and its relation to the UV auroral oval observed by the Hubble Space Telescope, Ann. Geophys., 25, 1215-1226, 2007.
E. S. Belenkaya, S. W. H. Cowley, S. V. Badman, M. S. Blokhina, and V.V. Kalegaev, Dependence of the open-closed field line boundary in Saturn.s ionosphere on both the IMF and solar wind dynamic pressure: comparison with the UV auroral oval observed by the HST, Ann. Geophys., 26, 159.166, 2008.
I.I. Alexeev, E.S. Belenkaya, S.Yu. Bobrovnikov, J.A. Slavin, and M. Sarantos, Paraboloid model of Mercury.s magnetosphere, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 113, A12210, doi:10.1029/2008JA013368, 2008.
Беленькая Е. С., Магнитосферы планет, обладающих собственным магнитным полем, УФН 179 809-835, 2009.
E. S. Belenkaya, I. I. Alexeev, M. S. Blokhina, E. J. Bunce, S. W. H. Cowley, J. D. Nichols, V. V. Kalegaev, V. G. Petrov, and G. Provan, IMF dependence of Saturn.s auroras: modelling study of HST and Cassini data from 12.15 February 2008, Ann. Geophys., 28, 1559.1570, 2010.
Igor I. Alexeev, Elena S. Belenkaya, James A. Slavin, Haje Korth, Brian J. Anderson, Daniel N. Baker, Scott A. Boardsen, Catherine L. Johnson, Michael E. Purucker, Menelaos Sarantos, Sean C. C. Solomon, Mercury.s magnetospheric magnetic field after the first MESSENGER flybys, Icarus, 209, 23-39, 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.01.024.